Immigration has been a sensitive subject for decades now. When chosen, it’s either made out of compassion for those struggling to survive or out of genuine opportunism for those with skills that might be an added –value for the country willing to welcome them.
France is trying to navigate in both directions but French government has decided to focus on waving positive signs in direction of talented people from all over the world who would like to get a taste of the French “je ne sais quoi” and has created then a facilitated and attractive specific residency permit called “passeport talent”.
What is it? How does it work? Could you be a potential candidate?
What is a “passeport talent”?
The multi-year “passeport talent” (“talent passport” in English) residence permit was created to help foreign and self-employed persons develop France’s attractiveness. You can employ if you intend on working/staying in France more than 3 months.
A “passeport talent” is a long-term visa or residence permit, renewable up to 4 years. It allows you (and potentially your family) to live and work in France. To apply for this passeport talent, you must be a foreigner. But you cannot/don’t need to apply if you are from the European Union or Algerian.
If you are overseas you must apply at the French consulate and in France, at your nearest “prefecture”. You must provide the following basic documents:
- Your original long-stay visa or residence permit
- Your passport
- Your birth certificate (translated in French by a licensed translator)
- Your wedding certificate if you are married (translated)
- Your kids’ birth certificate if you have any (translated)
- Proof of address
- Three ID photos
- Application (different according to your activity, see below)
- Official documents related to your activity.
It will cost you 269€ to get the final card.
Procedure to get your family (spouse and kids up to 18 years old) along with you will be facilitated:
You can go directly to the local police station in France to start the procedure. Your spouse will then be allowed to work as well.
Who can receive one?
The Passport Talent is granted “to persons that are likely to make a significant or lasting contribution through their skills and talents in the development of French economy, as well as its culture, science, sports, directly or indirectly.” (
So who precisely can apply?
You are working for a young innovative company
You may apply to a « passeport talent - entreprise innovante - exercice d'une activité salariée »
Your employment contract is for a period exceeding three months and your job must be directly linked to the company's research and development project and your salary must be at least equal to two times the minimum legal wage in France for a full-time worker (i.e. gross salary of at least 36.506€ a year or more).
On top of the basic documents, you must provide different company documents, your work contract and fill the following application form:
You are a highly-qualified employee
You may apply to a « passeport talent - carte bleue européenne - exercice d'une activité salariée »
You must hold a qualification demonstrating at least three years of higher education have at least five years of comparable professional experience, a one year work contract and a gross salary of 53.836€ minimum a year. On top of the basic documents, you must provide different documents from your employer, your work contract and fill the following application form:
You are a qualified employee carrying on a mission:
You may apply to a « passeport talent - salarié en mission - exercice d'une activité salariée »
You have been employed for at least three months by your company, which belongs to an international group of companies. You have been asked to carry out a mission in a French company belonging to the same group. You will be employed by this company in the context of a French employment contract for more than three months and you make a gross salary of at least 32.900€ a year.
On top of the basic documents, you must provide different documents from your employer, your work contract and fill the following application form:
You are a qualified employee with a French higher education:
You may apply to a « passeport talent - salarié qualifié - exercice d'une activité salariée »
You have passed in France a professional bachelor degree or a specialized Master degree or a Master of Science or a recognized equivalent. You have a work contract of more than three months with a gross salary of 36.509€ or more a year. On top of the basic documents, you must provide different documents from your employer, copies of your diplomas, your work contract and fill the following application form:
You are employed by a public or private research organization or higher education:
You may apply to a « passeport talent - chercheur - exercice d'une activité salariée »
You are charged with a research or higher education teaching mission (university) within the framework of a hosting agreement whose duration cannot exceed four years; you must hold a degree at least equivalent to a master's degree.
On top of the basic documents, you must provide copies of your diplomas and a signed agreement by the préfet (prefect or commissioner in English).
You are creating a business in France or taking control of one:
You may apply to a “passeport talent - création d'entreprise”
You have a real and serious business project in France. However, exceptionally, an acquisition of a stake (which means you taking control of a business) may be regarded as a business creation project depending on the nature and characteristics of the project. The company can be commercial, artisanal (handcraft work) or industrial.
You must invest at least €30,000 in the project and you must hold yourself a degree at least equivalent to a master's degree or be able to prove at least five years of professional experience at a comparable level.
Of course you will be asked to show proof of your project and your investment, your diploma and prove that you are making at least the minimum French wage (called SMIC in France and equivalent of a gross 1.500€ a month) and fill up the following form:
You are engaging in an innovative economic project recognized by a public agency:
You may apply to a “passeport talent - projet économique innovant »
You can justify of an innovative economical project. It has been recognized as so by a French public agency. You must show documents establishing its innovative nature, object and/or duration as well as the document proving it has been recognized by a public body.
You must justify that you are making at least the minimum French wage (called SMIC in France and equivalent of a gross 1.500€ a month).
You are making a direct economical investment in France:
You may apply to a “passeport talent - investissement économique - toutes activités commerciales »
You are investing in a French company that you run personally or through your company or you are holding at least 30% share of the capital. You are planning on creating or saving jobs in the four years following your investment that must be at least up to 300.000€ . You need to have all justifications as well as a commitment letter for the jobs and a business plan.
You must also justify that you are making at least the minimum French wage (called SMIC in France and equivalent of a gross 1.500€ a month).
You are taking up a position as a corporate officer in a French company:
You may apply to a « passeport talent - mandataire social- toutes activités commerciales en lien avec le mandat »
You must hold a mandate to enable you to act as a legal representative in a French company. You have been working there for at least three months as an employee or a corporate officer from the same company or the same group.
You must have a yearly gross salary equal or superior to 54 763, 80 €. Of course you must provide all documents proving you are a trustee in that company.
You are an artist, a writer or a performer:
You may want to apply to a passeport talent - profession artistique et culturelle »
Either if you are a singer/performer or the author of a literacy or artistic work, either you are employed or self-employed, you must earn at least a monthly gross salary of 1 064, 85 € and all documents justifying your position including the following application if you are employed by a French company :
You are engaging in an activity in France linked to your national or international reputation:
You plan to engage in an activity in France in the domains of science, literature, arts, academia, education or sports. Your stay in France must exceed three months.
You must prove that have you sufficient means of subsistence i.e. at least corresponding to the equivalent of the minimum legal wage in France for a full-time worker.
You must be able to provide documents explaining our reputation in your domain and your recognition in this professional environment; the nature, purpose and duration of your project on French territory; the financial resources or resources of any kind that you will have access to during your stay.
To find out more on passeport talent specific requirements:

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