Student Rentals: Find your Guarantor

Paris Attitude
| | Read : 3 min

As a student, it’s extremely difficult to secure an apartment in Paris without a guarantor. In fact, for a lot of students, such an endeavor has proven to be virtually impossible. This is because students are considered high-risk tenants, and a guarantor will almost always be required in order for them to rent any space.  

The alternative involves having to pay three or even six months’ rent in advance every six months. In some cases, you may even be asked to pay for your entire stay! Clearly, that is not ideal when trying to get student accommodation, which means it’s vital to be able to get a guarantor.

What is the Role of a Guarantor?

A guarantor has the role of meeting all obligations and clauses contained in a tenancy agreement on the tenant’s behalf. This means that they are responsible for all legal liabilities taken on by the tenant. The guarantor is bound to comply by their contract, which means that if they don’t meet the tenant’s liabilities, the landlord can sue them for non-compliance.

You can think of tenancy guarantors as a sort of ‘insurance policy’ for the landlord to protect them in the event that the tenant defaults on paying the rent. A guarantor is also liable to cover costs and losses as well as damages and expenses that the landlord experiences if the tenant fails to do so.


It used to be that people were willing, for the most part, to act as guarantors for students, but as times have become increasingly tougher for most, legal claims against student guarantors have been on the rise. As such, potential guarantors are becoming less willing to put their names forward as tenancy guarantors. Fortunately, there is another simple and convenient solution:

Paris Attitude in partnership with Garantme offers its future student tenants an opportunity to benefit from a guarantor so they can rent an apartment.

About Garantme is a student tenancy guarantor. This company empowers students who need a guarantor in order to qualify for an apartment they want. For young people looking for a safe and reliable company to stand surety for them, this could be the best solution. Labeled by Fnaim, Garantme offers owners the peace of mind they need while affording students an effective solution to their needs.

There is a growing awareness of Garantme thanks to their commitment to serious service and this has inspired the confidence of both owners and tenants. Listed below are the simple steps to take if you want to benefit from this solution.

How to Benefit From this Solution

Step 1: Fill Out Online Form

This step is as easy as it sounds. All you need to do is fill out a form online which takes just a few minutes. You can then load your vouchers. If you don’t have them yet, you can load them later.

Step 2: Certificate of Eligibility

You then receive a Certificate of Eligibility on that same day from Garantme via email. This document provides owners with proof that Garantme can stand surety for you.

Step 3: Rental Search

While searching for and visiting your student accommodation, you can include the Certificate of Eligibility in your application for all owners to see. It’s valid all over France.

Step 4: Priority to Garantme

Garantme and its network of partner agencies make you a priority, and if the owner is not yet aware of Garantme, simply send their contact details to Garantme and their team will call the owner and reassure them about your application as well as the guarantee.

Step 5: Owner’s Acceptance

After the owner accepts your application, all that’s left is for you to send an email to

Step 6: Activation of Garant Pack

You will receive a secure payment link by email within two hours. This will allow you to activate your Garant Pack. As soon as you pay, the warranty will be automatically sent to the owner via email.

As you can see, the entire process is a simple, smooth, and hassle-free one.

Within just five minutes, you’ll be done completing the online registration form and downloading all the required documents. As you can see, the entire process is a simple, smooth, and hassle-free one.

Within just five minutes, you’ll be done completing the online registration form and downloading all the required documents.


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